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The New NAS website

Hello Member,


Breaking News! The NAS website was relaunched in June and so far, feedback has been very positive.

The address is: 

This website is fully stocked with blogs, news articles and informative resources and legal FAQ’s. A fantastic addition to the members area is the 'My Account' section, an administration area within the members area which allows self-management of your account as an Association. 

Member information will now be managed and controlled by you, the member - (as an association, this will be your Association’s main contact).

 You will be able to:

  • Ensure accurate data is recorded

  • Pay for renewals and additional members

  • Add, edit & remove members

  • Add magazine subscriptions

It is aimed at supporting you in the management of your membership.To this end a detailed ‘HOW TO’ guide is attached and can also be found on the website


This document is provided to help answer any questions you may have on logging onto the members area for the first time using personal details and browsing the site overall.

Please read through this guide before contacting the Head Office with any queries.


The guide includes:


  • Instructions on how to log onto the website using your personal login details (being your email address) for the first time.

    • Affiliates will be able to continue to log in the members area with existing log in details however, to take full advantage of membership management area please follow the instructions for first time set up. 

    • Please note you will be blocked from setting this up if your email address is registered on your account and another person’s account. If you share an email address currently or have your email address linked on two different accounts.  This can be resolved by contacting head office.

  • Adding Affiliate members to your membership.

  • Please note, if you have reached your current capacity of members (i.e. if you have paid for 50 members and have 50 members listed), you can only add more members after registering a payment for them. The How To Guide will explain all of this.



Side note!**

Please do not forget to let us know what activities you will be planning for #NationalAllotmentsWeek24 - 12-18th Aug, so that we can shout about your activities too. The promotional toolkit can be found here.


Many Thanks,

The National Allotment Society


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