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Read the latest NAS Newsletter

Welcome to Your Newsletter

July is always a busy month on the allotment but also the time when you are hopefully reaping the benefits of all your hard work over recent months.  

We know how much you all enjoy life on the allotment so we hope you will spread the word during National Allotments Week, to encourage others in your local community to get involved. Our article on NAW will hopefully inspire you and your association to participate. 


We hope you are all ready to embrace and engage with National Allotments Week (NAW) which runs from 12th to 18th August.

Now in it’s 22nd year, this NAS initiative was created to raise awareness and promote the social, health and environmental benefits of allotments.

This year's theme is biodiversity and we plan to share informative content from our expert partners and ambassadors on relevant topics including the likes of Charles Dowding, Zoe Claymore, Sarah Owen-Hughes & more!

We will also be running a Social Media competition for the duration of the week for the chance to win 1 of 3 £150 vouchers - so keep your eyes peeled on our social media on how to enter! 

Over the years, your valued involvement along with your passion, creativity and sense of fun, never fails to amaze us. So, we are really looking forward to hearing of your 2024 plans including activities, events, launches, community involvement, fundraising, talks and more.

We would love to hear from you with stories, initiatives and photos that you are happy to share with fellow allotmenteers. Please engage with us on social media, via the hashtag #NationalAllotmentsWeek24, and we will look to post and share updates. Alternatively you can also email any photos and details to: for us to share on your behalf.

To help you promote your event in advance, however small or large, we have created a helpful, downloadable Promotional Tool Kit with tips, poster templates, social media graphics, digital banners, a news release template and printable bunting.

Please take a look at the kit and download materials from the link below. 


Allotment & Gardener Magazine

We are super excited to share the digital copy of the NAS Allotment and Leisure Gardener magazine.

Physical copies will be landing on your doorsteps shortly and we hope you enjoy another bumper edition full of advice, tips and allotment tales.

Work is now starting on the next issue of the magazine and the NAS needs your input!  We are encouraging you to send in your ideas, successes, events and National Allotment Week fun for consideration in this next issue. 

This magazine belongs to you, so we want to share your great stories and photographs to inspire fellow allotmenteers.  Please email our team with any ideas and feedback from your local allotment community.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) Survey

We are busy planning our Annual General Meeting for next year which will be held on 14th June 2025 in Northamptonshire and would appreciate if you would provide any feedback and input going forwards.

Below is a link to a survey that should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and we value your input.


Kings Seeds - Members Catalogue

Our annual Kings Seeds members catalogue will be being sent out over the next few weeks from the start of August, so keep your eyes peeled!


Get involved in the Big Butterfly Count from 12th July to 4th August 2024

The world's largest survey of butterflies is underway and we are encouraging NAS members to get involved.

You simply need to choose a place, perhaps on your allotment, to spot butterflies and moths, and watch for 15 minutes.  Then you are required to record the species you see on the Butterfly Conservation website.

Help take nature's pulse by getting out for the count today!


Bee and Wasp Venom Awareness Campaign 2024 

As we all spend more time on the allotment at this time of year, the chances of being stung by a bee or wasp increase.

Anyone who has been stung by a bee or wasp is likely to suffer painful swelling at the site of the sting, and for most people, this isn’t dangerous. However, for a small minority, an insect sting can lead to anaphylaxis – a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

The latest Bee and Wasp Venom Awareness Campaign is back for 2024 and aims to give you the information you need to know what to do if you or another individual has a serious allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting.

Additionally, Anaphylaxis UK would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how they can improve upon the information resources from last year’s campaign. They would appreciate your help with their survey and we hope you can assist:

There is a wealth of additional information on their website and you can download a quick-reference mini-guide, to bee and wasp sting allergies, for your allotment association.  Find out more today and be prepared this summer.


Volunteers Appeal

The National Allotment Society are extremely grateful for the many volunteers that support us around the country.  THANK YOU.

However, we are very keen to hear from budding new volunteers that would like to get involved with the NAS in 2024 and beyond.  We are looking for more volunteers to help out at national events or people who can offer their skills at a local level as representatives. 

Please send us an email for further details of how you can get involved.


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